CSI: Playroom

28 10 2007

Police responded to a call at the green house and discovered the dismembered pieces of the victim. Heading up the stairs the backbone, ribcage, and pelvis were found on the upstairs landing.


Upon entering the “play room” the left leg was found directly behind the computer desk.

left leg

The left arm (I think) was located on the floor in front of the television.

left arm

The right arm and right leg were found on a pillow in front of the wicker chair.

right arm & leg

The victim’s head was finally located under the chair.


Two suspects were apprehended, and have confessed to torturing the victim. They were the usual suspects.

mug 1mug2



4 responses

29 10 2007

Oh my gosh, how funny! Did the forensics do the suspects in? What a fantastic way to get rid of all the holiday crap they bring home from school…….(not that I’m jaded or anything)

29 10 2007
mark - in my own defense

Brought home from school? No, no, no. Mommy bought that at the dollar store.

29 10 2007

Not the dollar store – the Michael’s craft store! And it cost more than $1. Last time I will buy something like that for them…

30 10 2007
Michele B

Very news worthy…we’ve had similar sad cases here at the “yellow house” but often my usual suspects do it by proxy. The remains have been cruelly tortured with bite marks from a huge ugly brute – ironically who goes by the nick name “Lovey” – which gets them when they are left by the criminally negligent suspects “accidently” on the family room floor. The suspects then have the nerve to try to sway the authorities in the case by crying over the mangled lifeless bodies of their victims – even trying to convince authorities that more innocent potential victims should be placed in their custody. Oh the Humanity!

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